salsa dance classes
8th of march
Kizomba Dance classes for beginners at Santiago de Cuba
Welcome! Bienvenidos!
Join our Kizomba Beginner’s Dance Course starting on May 7th! Immerse yourself in the rhythms of Kizomba dancing in our tropical-inspired setting. We are starting a 8 weeks course consisting of classes, 1 hours each; on Tuesday 7th May we start with our Kizomba course. During the course you will learn the fundamentals of dancing. Experience the joy of dancing, socializing and enjoy free dance nights with refreshing cocktails. Don’t miss out
📅Starting Tuesday, May 7th
⏰21:00 – 22:00
📍 Santiago de Cuba, Stratumseind 65, 5611 EP Eindhoven
💰 €90,-